How Child Custody Is Addressed During Divorce

Posted on: 17 March 2020

All divorce lawyers have watched situations unfold where the custody of children had to be addressed. This can be one of the most heart-wrenching parts of a divorce, and it means lawyers in these circumstances also have to be child custody attorneys. Let's look at how divorce attorneys approach this problem while helping their clients. Understanding the Best Interests Standard The world of child custody lawyers is defined largely by a single concept: the best interests of the child.
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What Will Cause Your Divorce To Cost More

Posted on: 14 March 2020

If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, one of your concerns may be how expensive it will be. There are certain legal proceedings that you must go through, and you and your spouse will be represented by your own lawyers. Here are some reasons why your divorce could end up costing more, and what you can do about it. Deciding Custody One of the hardest things to decide on during a divorce is the custody arrangements for children.
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A Guide To Four Types Of Divorce

Posted on: 10 March 2020

Are you planning to ask your spouse for a divorce in the near future? If so, it helps to be aware of the different types of divorce that can result from ending a marriage. Contested A contested divorce happens when you and your spouse do not come to an agreement about the terms of settling the divorce. The disagreements can be about small things such as how to distribute some of your shared assets, or as big as deciding child custody arrangements.
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3 Financial Questions To Address During A Divorce

Posted on: 5 March 2020

Dissolving a marriage, even if the two ex-partners are trying to handling things amicably, is rarely a simple process. A lot of financial questions come up in divorce law, and it's a good idea to think about them before getting into any paperwork or discussions. Here are three of the biggest questions you'll need to address during your divorce. Dividing Up Property and Assets Throughout a marriage, you and your ex probably accumulated a fair amount of stuff.
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