Hiring A Divorce Lawyer? What To Know About The Retainer

Posted on: 28 December 2020

Are you going through the divorce process and need to hire a lawyer? If so, they are likely going to request that you pay a retainer for their services. This is money that is paid at the beginning of the legal process, and it will cover your legal costs to ensure that the lawyer gets paid. Here are a few things that you need to know about the retainer.  Retainers Will State The Lawyer's Hourly Rate
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Grey Divorce And Finances: What You Need To Know

Posted on: 25 November 2020

The divorce rate continues to increase with older couples. Sadly, marriages can still end even after decades. These divorces are often referred to as grey divorce and they come with their own special challenges. Retirement planning is chief among one of the most integral issues to work out in a grey divorce. Here is what you need to know: Retirement Planning Divorce can cause a significant problem for those who are also planning on retirement.
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Social Media Evidence And Divorce: What You Should Know

Posted on: 13 November 2020

Social media has a little bit of everything for everyone. For people going through a divorce, it can even be a source of evidence. In some instances, the activities of a person online can be used as evidence to support a claim made within the divorce. Learn more about how social media information can be used and some of the important factors you should keep in mind. Asset Determination In a divorce, it is important to ensure that assets are settled fairly.
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Why An Online Divorce Mediator Can Be Helpful To You

Posted on: 19 October 2020

Getting a divorce is second only to the death of a loved one when it comes to life's stresses. The best way to make a divorce go smoothly and with as few issues as possible is to hire a divorce mediator to act as a professional go-between for you and your spouse. As you go through your divorce, hire an online divorce mediator to help lessen the stress of what you're going through.
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