
  • Grey Divorce And Finances: What You Need To Know

    The divorce rate continues to increase with older couples. Sadly, marriages can still end even after decades. These divorces are often referred to as grey divorce and they come with their own special challenges. Retirement planning is chief among one of the most integral issues to work out in a grey divorce. Here is what you need to know: Retirement Planning Divorce can cause a significant problem for those who are also planning on retirement.
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  • Social Media Evidence And Divorce: What You Should Know

    Social media has a little bit of everything for everyone. For people going through a divorce, it can even be a source of evidence. In some instances, the activities of a person online can be used as evidence to support a claim made within the divorce. Learn more about how social media information can be used and some of the important factors you should keep in mind. Asset Determination In a divorce, it is important to ensure that assets are settled fairly.
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  • Why An Online Divorce Mediator Can Be Helpful To You

    Getting a divorce is second only to the death of a loved one when it comes to life's stresses. The best way to make a divorce go smoothly and with as few issues as possible is to hire a divorce mediator to act as a professional go-between for you and your spouse. As you go through your divorce, hire an online divorce mediator to help lessen the stress of what you're going through.
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  • What To Know About Dealing With A Business During A Divorce

    Divorces are already complicated as it is, but having a business can really complicate the situation. Here are some questions that you may have about going through a divorce and dividing a business.  Know The Creation Date Matters The laws in your state are going to vary, but know that the creation date of the business matters. If the business was something that you held before you were married, you may have the right to retain the entire business because it existed first.
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  • What Do You Do If You Don't Agree With A Custody Ruling?

    Did a judge recently make a decision about child custody that you do not agree with? You're likely wondering if you can appeal this decision to get the results you were looking for. Here is what you need to know about this legal process. Is It Even Possible To Appeal Family Court Rulings? You may be wondering if you can even appeal a family court ruling since it is quite different from a criminal case.
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  • Going Through Divorce Mediation? Know How To Prepare

    If you're going to get a divorce, you'll likely be attempting mediation as a way to work out the legal issues surrounding the divorce rather than go to trial. However, you do not want to make the mistake of going into mediation without being properly prepared. These tips will ensure that you are ready for what is going to happen.  Prepare As If You Are Going To Trial You should be working with your lawyer to prepare for mediation as if you are going to go to trial to settle an issue.
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  • Signs You Need a Family Law Attorney Regarding Agreed-Upon Custody

    When you have a custody agreement between you and the other parent of your children, the thought of hiring legal assistance isn't at the forefront of your mind. However, some signs will indicate that a family law attorney can be beneficial to you. Here is a look at just three of those signs.  1. The other parent is unreliable Is the other parent unreliable when it comes to taking your children for their agreed-upon time?
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  • Asked To Be An Executor? What To Expect

    Being asked to oversee the estate of an acquaintance or loved one should be considered an honor. The idea of being an executor can also seem intimidating to some. To get a better idea of what executors (or personal representatives) do, read below. 1. Are you up for it? You don't necessarily have to accept this role and you may not want to if you are already busy, ill, or just not up for it.
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  • 3 Reasons Why You Need A Divorce Attorney

    While divorce is certainly not uncommon, it's also not something that many couples anticipate. However, if you and your current partner are planning on going your separate ways, hiring a divorce attorney is something you should strongly consider. On average, it costs between $150 and $250 per hour for the services of a divorce lawyer. While that may seem like a lot, hiring an attorney is the best way to protect our interests during a divorce.
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  • 3 Questions When Your Former Spouse With Child Custody Decides To Move

    Going through a divorce can be quite difficult as it is, but it will become much more complicated if your former spouse moves when they have child custody. Here are some common questions you'll have about this unique situation. Do You Have Grounds For Custody Modification? It is important to become familiar with the rules in your state regarding what happens if your former spouse decides to move. It is possible that this gives you the right to have the custody agreement modified if the child were to leave the state.
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