Common Issues That Arise In Child Custody Cases

Posted on: 27 April 2020

For many people going through a divorce, the children are the most important concern. If you are in the middle of a divorce, it makes sense that you have concerns. Divorce, like so many aspects of life, is totally unpredictable. Not sure how to handle some of these cases? Read on to learn more about your situation.

What If You Can't Find Your Child's Parent?

If you choose to file for custody but have no idea where your child's other parent is, you might be able to secure sole custody. You will still need to serve the other parent via their last known address or via publication in a newspaper.

What If You Want to Give Custody to a Grandparent?

If you want to give permanent or temporary custody of your child to a parent, you need to notify your child's other parent. Keep in mind that courts tend to want to keep children with their parents when possible, so the child's other parent may have a chance to gain custody.

Can I Stop My Child's Parent From Calling?

You may not be able to prevent your child from talking to their other parent on the phone. If the phone calls feel like harassment, you should discuss the matter with your custody attorney.

What If I Want to Move?

Every circumstance is different. If you are trying to move out of state or somewhere very far away, it is important to consult with an attorney to ensure you don't create interference with your ex's custody. If you are moving within your area, it is important to notify the courts that you have a new address.

My Ex Is Abusive -- What Should I Do?

Abuse is a common concern among people going through divorce and separation. It is normal to have questions about the process of custody and visitation when your spouse or partner is abusive. You may be able to obtain a protective order that keeps your ex away from you and your children if the court determines they may pose a danger to you. In some cases, you may also be able to ask that all visitation with the children be supervised.

What Should You Do?

Your next step should be to seek the guidance of a custody attorney. Custody attorneys help you determine what steps you can take to protect yourself and, more importantly, your child. Make an appointment with an attorney today to learn more. 
